This may well change at the margin in the US, as Congress continues to haggle over the finance bill. 随着美国国会继续就金融法案讨价还价,这在美国有可能只会有轻微的改变。
Despite Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, talking up its prospects during a visit to Beijing on Wednesday, the chances of the bill becoming law are low. 尽管参议院金融委员会主席马克斯鲍卡斯(maxbaucus)周三在访问北京时,大谈该法案有望获参议院通过而成为法律,但这种可能性并不大。
The World Bank, Global Environment Facility, International Finance Corporation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and GTZ are co-sponsoring the2008 competition. 本次大赛由世界银行、全球环境基金,国际金融公司、比尔与美琳达?盖茨基金会以及德国技术合作公司联合赞助。
Tomorrow, the Senate finance committee votes on its healthcare bill. 周二,参议院财政委员会将就奥巴马的医改方案进行投票。
Ikuko Shirota, a senior finance ministry official, told the Financial Times that failure to pass the bill by the end of November could result in a very disastrous situation. 日本财务省高级官员城田郁子(IkukoShirota)对英国《金融时报》表示,如果到11月底不能通过该议案,可能会造成灾难性的形势。
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, likened the minimum wage and estate tax bill to "a long-shot" bet on racing horses. 来自爱荷华州的参议院财政委员会主席共和党人查尔斯。格莱斯里把最低工资和遗产税议案比喻为押在赛马场上的长期赌注。
The finance bill have its second read yesterday. 财政法案昨天已完成二读。
Finance executives scrambled Thursday to react to a bill that would gut the current Wall Street compensation system. 美国金融业管理人士周四仓皇应对一项可能颠覆华尔街目前薪酬体系的法案。
However, Ms Snowe on Tuesday gave notice that her vote could not be taken for granted before the merger of the Senate Finance Bill with its more liberal counterpart passed by the Senate Health Committee earlier this year. 不过,斯诺周二发表声明称,在此项法案与参议院卫生委员会今年早些时候通过的更开明的法案合并前,不能认为她的赞成票是板上钉钉之事。
Every euro-zone finance minister should be forced to explain the whitewash "stress tests" that gave even Dexia a clean bill of health earlier this year. 欧元区每一位财长都应该解释解释粉饰过的“压力测试”,这在今年早些时候甚至给了德克夏一份“无疫健康证明”。
The Senate Finance Committee is due to vote next Tuesday on a health care reform bill that would require all Americans to get health insurance or face penalties. 参议院商业委员会将在下周二对医疗保险改革议案进行投票表决。该议案要求所有美国人都要购买医疗保险,否则就要接受处罚。
Oil sands projects are very capital-intensive, long-term investments and difficult to fully finance in the traditional equity market, Bill Gallacher, Athabasca's chairman said on Monday. 阿萨巴斯卡董事长比尔加拉切尔(BillGallacher)昨日表示:油砂项目是资本密集性很强的长期投资领域,很难在传统的股权市场上获得全额融资。
Under the public finance ordinance, the financial secretary will table the relevant Appropriation Bill to the Legislative Council before the commencement of the next financial year. 按公共财政条例,财政司司长会在下一财政年度开始前,将有关的拨款条例草案提交立法会。
Therefore, it has a high demand for the newer and better trade finance products and forfaiting is just a suitable one as a kind of bill discounted without recourse. 这就需要呼唤更新的、更好的贸易融资方式来满足贸易的需求,福费廷作为一项无追索权票据贴现的贸易融资方式,恰能满足该种需求。
In addition, charge management is an important aspect of finance income management, and the bill is the unique receipt for charge, so financial bills management system is an important business system of government finance management information system. 而收费管理是财政收入最重要的管理方面之一,且财政票据是实现其收费的唯一依据,所以财政票据管理系统是政府财政管理信息系统的重要业务系统。
The correct detection and classification of bill image is the basis of realizing finance bill automatic processing. 票据图象的准确分类检测是实现金融票据自动处理的基础。
Based on the research of 4 representative finance innovations such as short-term financing bills, central bank bill, asset securitization, financing business, we can see financial innovation influence bank liquidity in two ways. 在此基础上,文章通过四个比较有代表性的金融创新:短期融资券、央行票据、资产证券化、理财业务,具体分析其对银行体系流动性的影响。
With the rapid development of import and export business, trade finance by means of import bill advance has been rendered as one of the financial services by commercial banks. 随着我国进出口业务的迅猛发展,采取进口押汇的形式进行贸易融资是商业银行为拓展金融业务开发的新型产品。